Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I'm Back!

Well ladies and gentleman, let me just apologize profusely, once again, for my extended absence. The details are quite boring but it basically boils down to a few birthday celebrations, a wildly erratic work schedule, and a yucky lingering cold. Hopefully, though, this will be the end of my unexplained absences from the blog, as I've just secured a new job and have much more free time for reading.

One thing that will be changing now that I'm back though is the posting schedule. I actually have normal hours now (yay!) and I have the weekends off so you guys should expect regular postings on Sundays or Mondays, as well as maybe a few bonus posts during the week if I blow through more books than usual.

Thank you guys once again for sticking through this with me. I know how frustrating it must be to expect postings and be repeatedly disappointed, and I apologize. From now on I should actually be able to keep up with my reading and keep you guys posted.

All the best,